December 31, 2008

Access 2009

video profiles, video blogging, high-level communities, single theme online communities, new off-line formats, authenticity, communication beyond networking, access relations, etc...

will be the key topics guiding my professional life in 2009.

I cordially invite you to explore with me this new era of confident, open and honest utilisation of network opportunities.

I wish all of you a joy- and meaningful, if possible blissful year 2009.

Please enjoy the first night of this very special new year to the fullest.



PS: For details on our next events in Kitzbühel, Munich and St. Moritz please have a look at the local webpages.

December 30, 2008

Access St. Moritz

Dear friends, for all of you who are enjoying your time in the sunny engadine:

You are cordially invited to join the vernisage of the Michel Sima exhibition at my friends Gallery Bergmann und Hauser next the the cable cart station in St. Moritz Dorf (Via Stredas 8/10).

CU there today at 5 pm.



081 833 66 88 or 078 919 99 99

Details in German:

Ausstellung / Exhibition
6. Dezember 2008 bis 24. Januar 2009
Öffnungszeiten: täglich nach Vereinbarung
Vernissage / Opening
30. Dezember 2008, 17.00 Uhr
Der Sohn des Künstlers, Monsieur Pierre Smajewsky, wird anwesend sein.
Dr. Kuno Fischer wird in das Leben und Werk von Michel Sima einführen.
Kontakt / Contact
Dr. Bergmann-Fluhrer & Fenno Bauer, Galerie Bergmann & Bauer, St. Moritz
Private viewing auf Anfrage: Tel. +41 (81) 832 25 60 bzw. +41 (79) 778 53 22
Publikation / Publication
Erika Billeter/Kuno Fischer (Hrsg.), Michel Sima – Künstler im Atelier, Bern 2008
(Benteli Verlag). Verkauf in der Galerie (Verkaufspreis: CHF 80.00).
Realisierung / Realisation
GALERIE BERGMANN & BAUER, Via Stredas 8/10, 7500 St.Moritz
in Zusammenarbeit mit der GALERIE FISCHER, Haldenstrasse 19, 6006 Luzern
Das fotografische Schaffen Michel Simas im Bereich des Künstlerporträts begann im Grunde
genommen 1946. In diesem Jahr begleitet Sima den Entstehungsprozess von Pablo Picassos
„La joie de vivre“ und dokumentiert nicht nur – wie anfänglich beabsichtigt – die verschiedenen
Etappen der künstlerischen Ausführung, sondern versteht von Anfang an seine Arbeit
als ganzheitliche, persönliche Darstellung von Künstler und dessen Werk. In den kommenden
Jahren porträtiert er fast alle Künstler der École de Paris wie z.B. Henri Matisse, François Picabia,
Ossip Zadkine, Alberto Giacometti, Jean Cocteau, Tal Coat, Jean Arp, Marie Laurencin,
Fernand Léger, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, André Derain, Kees van Dongen, Le
Corbusier, Marc Chagall, Joan Miró, Alexander Calder.
Künstler im Atelier Artists in the studio
GALERIE BERGMANN & BAUER, Via Stredas 8/10, 7500 St.Moritz, Tel. +41 (81) 832 25 60

December 24, 2008

Access Christmas and other spiritual celebrations

Dear Friends, sitting at my Küsnacht desk (see view above) I want to share with you the following statement of my facebook friend Prabhu Guptara, before driving home for Christmas in order to celebrate with my parents:

In times of crises, I think the prerequisite for real hope is genuine trust.

Therefore I wish you a great time, joyful celebrations and special moments with the people you love, trust and honour.

God bless you and your beloved ones.



PS: During the festive season I will be visiting my friends in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. See you around.

December 19, 2008

Access Munich Society

If you ask me, how to? I would advice you to: get introduced, be humbled, open, and friendly and most of all just be yourself. Authenticity is king since nobody wants to waste his time with talking to a fake.

It might also help if you ask yourself why do you want to access this multifaceted, mystical construct called “Society” at all. If you have found your personal answer, you also know, whom of your friends to approach in order to introduce you to your favourite society.

Surely the wrong approach would be to challenge yourself with great expectations, to sneak around celebrities and to try to invade private discussions of your “target”people.
What used to be regarded as common culture and minimum sense of respect seem to be nowadays forgotten by many self-acclaimed high-level networker. Well guys it is Christmas-time, the time of love and friendship. Remember: Your relations (your assets) only prosper, if you take the people you are communicating (dealing) with seriously and treat them as human beings.

Maybe the following anecdote from a friends Christmas cocktail helps to underline my point.

Munich, 19th of December 2008

What started as an AA* invitation turned out to be an intimate AAA gathering of Munich's A list + Entourage.

Thanks to the shining hosts A and A* the Christmas Cocktail has been a very interesting evening. A perfect mix of a fabulous venue (interior design by PB), impressive collection of contemporary art (I adore the video installation in the hallway), excellent catering (by K&K) and outstanding ((U)HNW) individuals.**

The hosting couple did a good job in introducing the guests. The well-tempered Champagne did a great job to keep them talking. Being a Single guest with lots of acquaintances around (most of them eager to make high-level contacts), it is not easy to identify the right conversation partner. Therefore after greeting the hosts and saying hello to my friends I sat down at a table to enjoy the delicious food.

Luckily a couple joined the table and being aware that we met before (in this life) we even could remember the occasion. It was a charity event with a movie-presentation of my table neighbour´s autobiographical book. We were very happy to continue our conversation which started 3 years ago. As a result this author agreed to become a visiting writer at this blog.

With this well-known writer on my side, our table slowly became very popular with other German celebrities like a publisher, a senior strategy consultant, a fuel company CEO and a TV- as well as a print media Colominst joining. (For a better understanding you can replace “a” with “the German”)

I was quite surprised to find another “sister in mind” on our table sharing my interest in social communication and high level networks. She told me that despite knowing nearly 90 percent of the guests, she feels herself not really being part of this society. I did not expect such a statement, but was very happy about the quality and honesty of our conversation. As we discussed network and systems theories we agreed that there is no “insider community” as such but an assembly of many highly remarkable individuals communicating and presenting themselves in more or less sophisticated ways.

What sounds now quite dry was indeed real fun. I had good and funny conversations with some old and maybe future friends. I met members of one of my facebook group “jiclub members and friends” and many funny stories made their way. One participant even spotted a guest who did charge his clients for the privilege to accompany him to the cocktail.

After some glasses of champagne, close to the end I could sense some kind of community, when the masks went down and the remaining guests communicated openly.

*A is the first letter of both first names of the inviting couple.
** As this blog focuses on access relations and social communication, I will not disclose details like guest list, rumours and latest gossip. This information might be found soon at

Introduction is key to access relations at this level. It is not advisable to appear alone or with a companion, who totally absorbs your attention. If you do not get introduced by your friends, make sure to take a special person(ality) or even a celebrity with you. This improves the chances that the more interesting people are welcoming you.

If none of the above applies: Just be yourself and enjoy the perfect scenery.

December 12, 2008

Access Mallorca

Thanks to I am invited to test the Grad Hotel Son Net

Well a great start for the weekend: Sunshine, Convertible car and a lovely suite. Where are my friends on Mallorca? What to do at this time of the year? Feel free to call me at 971 14 70 00

Access Kitzbühel

The JIC will provide for a special VIP-Weekendpackage for the Kitzbühel Polo World Cup. Yesterday I discussed this issue with Kitzbühel Tourism and a local hotelier. It is going to be a very special weekend for members and friends. If you want to join, feel free to enquire at Save the Date 16th - 18th of January 2009


December 11, 2008

Access InterNations

Dear InterNations Members* and Friends,It is time to count down:

3 weeks to go for New Years Eve,
2 weeks to go for Christmas Eve and
1 week to go for our last InterNations gathering in 2008.
Thank you very much for your trust and support in my first year as Ambassador in Zurich.
You are cordially invited to join our next InterNations Get-Together on Wednesday the 17th of December 2008 at the newly opened 0815/2 Bar in Seefeld.
0815/2 Bar
Kreuzstrasse 26
8008 Zürich
Start: 7 pm
End: >11 pm
Let us celebrate the great success of InterNations Zurich with our vivid community uniting more than 2.750 international local members.
Thanks to the 0815/2 Bar, there will be complimentary finger food like yakitori, shrimps, soup and other tapas until 9.30 pm and if we exceed 100 reservations, the whole venue will be ours, ie strictly InterNations members only.
Take the chance to meet (y)our international friends and other like-minded individuals, before they leave for the holiday season.
Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday!
Johann Christian Schiessl
* If you are not an InterNations member yet, feel free to register through:

December 09, 2008

Access Bunte

The German Society Colomnist Marie von Waldburg is blogging her party agenda online now:

I wonder if this publicity is influencing the level of the event-participants in- and outside the venues?

Yesterday I had a great charity dinner by Witzigmann and Haas in support of Karl-Heinz Böhm´s Menschen für Menschen foundation. Highest level cuisine, excellent wines and great spirits. People I mean.

Thank you Dunja for bringing it to my attention. Thank you Marie for keeping it private.

December 04, 2008

Access Sunshine

Finally the sun returns to Miami. So do some of our members. Breakfast at Rubell, Reception at MAM, Ché Afterparty at Raleigh. CU there or around. 786 252 0191

Access USArt

The First impression from this ARTBASEL Miami Beach: Crisis and Hope

December 03, 2008

Access ArtBasel Miami Beach 2008

After the opening of Design Miami, in fashion photo, pulse and others, now the real show starts at the convention center. CU there and later at the positions opening, the bass museum reception, ... also not to miss Delano, Raleigh... or free spirits. 786 252 0191

December 02, 2008